Unlike traditional budgeting, which focuses on every financial penny, we'll explore why meticulously tracking every second of our lives can yield significant benefits.
Saket challenges us to consider whether you're managing pennies or millions, the key is to leverage your resources to their fullest potential and find what's truly valuable for your time.
In today’s episode, Saket Jain and Brooke Young delve deep into personal growth, resilience, and the psychology of overcoming past adversities. Brooke opens up about her own experiences with unfair treatment related to her physical appearance, and together, she and Saket dissect the importance of acknowledging injustice while building a…
Saket opens up about his own experiences with fear and avoidance when it comes to budgeting. He emphasizes that while introspection can reveal uncomfortable truths, confronting these areas is a crucial step toward personal growth and financial well-being.
Often, when we scrutinize ourselves, defensiveness can obscure genuine growth. That's why it's beneficial to have an external perspective highlight patterns we might overlook. We'll explore how embracing this feedback—whether we choose to act on it or not—empowers us to take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Saket introduces a compelling exercise that challenges you to meticulously track every hour of your life in 15-minute increments for one week. It may seem laborious, but this insightful activity promises to reveal how effectively—or ineffectively—you're utilizing your time.
While many of us focus on trimming small expenses like that daily Starbucks run, we overlook a far more valuable resource—our time. Saket explores why time budgeting is significantly more impactful than obsessing over where to save a few dollars.
It's crucial to open our eyes to just how much time we spend sacrificing to support other people's dreams. Brooke shares an exercise to acknowledge others' dreams, making them feel seen and heard, while keeping focus intact.
In today’s episode, Saket Jain and Brooke Young dive deep into the realm of time management and budgeting to help you maximize both your time and finances. We'll explore how Saket's revelation about spending too much time on YouTube shorts led to a major time audit and how Brooke found…
Brooke recently found herself losing precious time because she didn't know how to gracefully interrupt discussions that were dragging on or becoming irrelevant. This experience led her to explore various techniques for cutting off conversations in a way that's both polite and assertive. She'll share an enlightening exercise she recently…
Saket delves into the profound impact of self-reflection and honest conversations about our weaknesses. Sharing personal anecdotes about his YouTube Short addiction, he discusses how to self-reflect for increased growth.
If you don't proactively protect your schedule, other people will manage it for you, often at the expense of your time. Whether you're managing a team, nurturing a marriage, or raising kids, it's essential to set boundaries.
As a child, Souvik faced significant health challenges and was told by astrologers that his future prospects were bleak. This sparked a journey of self-discovery, guided by his guru, where he learned that astrology is far from being fatalistic. Instead, Souvik discovered it to be a profound blend of science…
In today’s episode, Souvik Dutta joins us as he explores the profound interplay between one's innate strengths, destiny, and free will. Souvik captivates us with his unique metaphors, like comparing individuals to fish and birds, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and harnessing our unique strengths to achieve financial freedom. We'll…
In today’s episode, Nate Zeleznick joins us as he delves into topics ranging from the prioritization of money versus happiness, the power of introspection, and the surprising benefits of breathwork for conditions like long Covid and asthma. Nate also shares insights on his transformation from a bullied child with suicidal…
In today’s episode, Hurley Fox joins us as he dive deep into the world of business finance, exploring the crucial role of financial data in running and selling a successful business. Forget relying on gut feelings—Hurley emphasizes the importance of tracking every financial metric, from revenue and expenses to net…
In today’s episode, Jeff Seder joins us as he explores the realms of sports team ownership and horse racing syndication. Jeff shares his invaluable insights into the complexities of horse racing, drawing from his pioneering research and extensive experience in the industry. From his innovative approach to training thoroughbred racehorses…
A casual and informal chat with Saket Jain. You may ask him anything.